Wednesday, March 25, 2009

MTA Doomsday has arrived for New York City

Major hikes in rates, and cuts to services. Dayum, sounds like the 1970's all over again.
Click here


Anonymous said...

Why does the MTA always claim they are broke? Since moving to Brooklyn in 2001 the most noticeable changes in the subway system seem to be the elimination of tellers, the elimination of the tokens, and the fare hikes soon to be up to $2.50. I remember when the MTA was caught a few years ago keeping two sets of books, one to display to the public and the media, and the other a secret version showing the MTA had a surplus of cash. In this new economy we cannot continue to fund this type of ruthless corruption. It only takes a few minutes to jot off an email or write a letter to your local congressman and/or senator. In this way you can do more in a few minutes than you could through years of complaining to people that cannot do anything about it. said...

I hear what you are saying, it amazes me at all the changes they are making, Mean while millions of dollars are spent on stupid side projects or artwork to improve the way the system looks and not the way it runs.