Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Trick Daddy announces he is fighting lupus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lupus is an autoimmune disease these diseases are interesting and scary there are approximately 80 to 100 with another 40 waiting for a name. Medical science cannot explain why and has not found a cure for even one. You can trigger one of them just by having an auto accident, taking aspirin, medication or by starting a new exercise routine, even too much stress says latest research. Naturopathic medicine says, "Look for the root, it is in the basics beginning with what is on your fork, what toxins are in your body, what exercise do you do, what stress is in your life, what is your spiritual base". Scientific arrogance has led us down the wrong path we better stop and take a close look at what is happening. This month 144 new chemicals which are part of the Lupus problem will be added too industry with no oversight control at all. Autoimmune disease is the worst kind of contradiction; for an Lupus sufferer you are attacking your skin with your immune system, a world upside down. Here is a challenge, on a piece of paper write down as many diseases as you can think of then put them as a search on Google one at a time and add the word epidemic you will see that almost all of them are. Is anyone in modern medicine awake?
